Vehicle Tracking Service (VTS)

Weblink Communications Ltd. > Vehicle Tracking Service (VTS)

With our vehicle tracking system, you can put an end to automobile anxieties. We provide a secure vehicle tracking solution that will keep your vehicle safe while also providing you with the necessary information.  

Our Vehicle Tracking Service including,

Live Tracking: The location of the automobile can be tracked in real-time.

Mileage Report: With this feature you can know how many kilometers you have traveled in a day.

Speed Violation Alert: If the automobile exceeds the speed you specify, you will receive an immediate message.

Fuel Monitoring:   This feature allows you to see when, where, and how much fuel is utilized.

Destination Alert: You can check if your car has arrived at its destination while sitting at your desk or at home.

Engine On/Off Notification: You can confirm how many times the automobile engine has been turned on and off.

AC On/Off Notification: You can see how long the air conditioner has been operating, as well as when it was switched on and off.

Daily Summary: During the day, you will be notified  via SMS where the car has been, how much oil has been used, how many times the engine has been turned on and off, how long the AC has been on, and how many doors have been opened. 

Secure your car and relax.We are here to save your car with our Vehicle Tracking Service.